Die, Decorator, Die:
A Novel of Murder, Greed and Interior Design
By Franklin H. Levy
Phoenix Books, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-59777-591-5
252 Pages
What a Fun Book! Die, Decorator, Die by Franklin H. Levy, is a whodunit that will keep you guessing until the very end!
Meet Buzz and Ally Levin. Buzz is a lawyer, while his wife is an interior decorator. There is an underlying interaction between them that allows readers to enjoy their humorous relationship. You got it! Almost-like-George Burns and Gracie Allen's comic routines run throughout this novel. Yes, there's murder and mayhem and great investigating, but the comedic interplay oftentimes trumps the mystery and suspense!
Ally is in the center of the mystery--she is involved in an interior decorator competition where each room is "designed and decorated" by different professionals. When the competitors meet for the first time, they discover one of their own has been critically injured.
Barry, a good friend of Ally is the likeliest suspect--for Barry, of Barry and Bruno, the latter being his gay as well as business partner, was also found murdered the day Megan's head was bashed!
Needless to say, Ally ensures that Buzz becomes the defense lawyer for Barry. But when Buzz and his investigator start checking out the possible suspects, they find that there are many strange things going on within Barry and Bruno's business partnership. Specifically, there are millions of dollars running through the company, but it is clear that there is little profit being made. And, worse, Barry has no knowledge of what has been happening, even though it appears to be money laundering.
Both the attack on Megan and Bruno's murder calls for consideration of suspects who could have wanted either or both dead...so, in this strange interior design world, what better way to consider all issues than to invite all the suspects to a cocktail party! How appropriate-right?
Then pizza deliveries lead to still other individuals who are also involved. Exactly what is being delivered and is this part of the money laundering activities?
But wouldn't you know it--the final way that the mystery is solved is through cloth design and drapery tassels! The twists and turns are so involved that I promise you won't know who's guilty, of murder that is, until the very end.
Humor, suspense...Plus readers get great interior decorator tips throughout the book such as:
ALLYN SAYS - The best designers make custom lampshades, which often have a pink silk liner to soften the light.
Levy gave me more than a cozy mystery. Die, Decorator Die is wonderful-well written, full of funny characters, a puzzling whodunit, with interior design tips. And he wrapped it up in the latest fabric for a must-read!
I just know you, too, will enjoy this one!
G. A. Bixler is co-owner of an online review site of Independent Professional Book Reviewers. She has over 40 years experience in educational administration and publishing. New or well-known, self-published, or small press authors are all welcomed! Compare our prices to other professional book review sites!