Interior Design Resolutions - 10 Simple Redesign Ideas to Redecorate and Refine Your Home

It's that time of the year again, when we resolve to make changes that will improve

our lives. Your home is a big part of your life and a comfortable, inviting space can

really make a difference in how you feel every day. It seems only fitting that we

should add some design resolutions to our yearly ritual.

So here's my top 10 take on the design resolutions that I believe can make a real

difference in your home.

1. Designate a space for clutter and resolve to keep it cluttered. Surprised? While

it's true most people would put getting rid of clutter at the top of their lists, I've

been in enough homes to understand that if clutter is part of your lifestyle, it will

just keep coming back. I do, however, believe that it's possible to control the

impact of clutter in your home - and it's simple. Choose a spot that's not visible

from the public areas of your home and designate a surface, chest or cabinet of

some sort for the paper and other things that usually end up in piles all over your

home. Give yourself permission to toss anything you don't want to deal with

immediately into your clutter area without even thinking about organizing, filing or

putting it away later.

Trust me, if you have no area for clutter you will spontaneously make one, and

another, and another. If you have a designated area, it will contain the clutter and

keep you from feeling overwhelmed by it. You'll have a much easier time with

everything in one spot when you do decide to sort it all out and, in the interim, at

least you will know where to find everything you can't find.

2. Try at least one new color in your home to break your "color habits". Be bold, do

something unexpected or something you've always wanted to try. If you are really

hesitant, put the color inside a closet door - somewhere where you can see and

react to it. The room which makes me smile in my home is one in which the painter

made a mistake and used a color that I never would have chosen for myself. As I

was awaiting his return visit for a repainting, I discovered that every time I walked

into the room it made me smile. The room has been repainted a few times over the

years, but always with what I call "my happy mistake."

3. Pick the room or area in your home in which you find it hard to relax and do three

things to make the room quieter. For example, think about replacing high contrast

colors with a monochromatic scheme or toning down the color with a more muted

version. Try simplifying the lines in the room and paring down accessories. Get

those bookcases in shape, with all books flush to the front of the shelves in size

order, and create some empty wall and tabletop space where the eye can rest.

4. Conversely, pick one room or area in your home that feels bland and the most

uninteresting and do three things to elevate the tempo and energize the room. Try

introducing higher contrast or bolder colors. Layer in accessories, some interesting

coordinated fabrics in the form of throws and pillows, and some new textures.

Replace large artwork with a grouping that will add motion to the room.

5. Make at least four changes in your home to freshen it up for the spring and

summer. Change or reduce the number of layers in your window treatment to let

more of the outside in. Do what your grandmother did - use lighter slipcovers on

upholstery and seasonal accessories such as bowls of fresh summer fruit and vases

of fresh flowers. Pick up those heavy rugs. Now is the time to send them out for

cleaning. Replace them with light floor cloths or leave the floors bare for a cooling

sensation underfoot.

6. Rethink the least used room or area in your home. It may be great to look at, but

if it isn't serving any function, you can do better. s its formality no longer

appropriate for your lifestyle? Are your college-aged kids really going to miss the

playroom? Should you have retired that home office when you retired?

7. Walk through your home room by room and consciously gauge its impact on

your senses by isolating various aspects of the experience. What do you see, hear,

smell? What can you touch? How does it make you feel? Make adjustments in each

room as needed so that the experience is always pleasant and inviting, and

appropriate for the room and its function.

8. Create a space just for you. It can be as simple as a chair in which you can

escape with a good book or an entire room. Surround your space in your favorite

colors and textures. Make it a place you can use for your most relaxing activities

and the best spot you can imagine for just sitting and doing nothing at all. Sit in you

personal space at least 10 minutes every day.

9. Approach the design and decoration of your home with joy. Whether it's a little

change or a major renovation, try to focus, not on the chores involved, but on the

vision you have and the progress you are making toward it. Appreciate the changes,

and appreciate yourself for making them.

10. Invite guests a least once a month. When we tidy up for guests, we reawaken

our consciousness of all the little things that we can do to make our home inviting

and comfortable, details that often get lost in the chaos of our daily lives. Your

guests will feel it, but more importantly, so will you.

Peggy Berk is an award-winning interior decorator and certified interior refiner who has worked with a wide variety of residential and commercial clients throughout the New York Metropolitan Tri-State Area and Florida. Her design firm, Area Aesthetics (, specializes in interior redesign, home staging and full service interior decorating. Peggy is the featured designer on the Home Decor Exchange where she answers readers' decorating questions and writes a column for "HDE Monthly." Author of many articles in her area of expertise, she also writes the monthly "Rental Redesign" column for Rental Decorating Digest.

To see before and after photos of her one-day room redesigns, read what New York's top real estate brokers have to say about her home staging services, or submit your decorating questions, visit her Web site at:

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